Floating-Point Convertor

ModelSim test bench output

Using a hardware design made with System Verilog to convert a 32-bit float-value into a decimal representation of 5+ digits.

How to Use:

  1. First, open the top_level_tb.sv file, and find lines 8 and 21:
  2. You can change the amount of DISPLAY_WIDTH, and the binary floating point number for the module to convert like so:
  3. Then build the project in ModelSim, use top_level_tb as the design.
  4. Finally, run the simulation. It will create an output file containing the converted floating point value in the desired number of digits!


Get the source files on my GitHub repository at: github.com/TristonBabers/Floating-Point-Convertor.


ModelSim - Intel FPGA Starter Edition 10.5b (Quartus Prime 18.1)

I used this edition of ModelSim in all of my testing. You can find it for free at intel.com!


Radix Conversion Algorithm:

(Textbook) Knuth, Donald E - Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2 Seminumerical Algorithms, Third Edition (p. 319 Method 2a)

Double Dabble Algorithm:


General Description:
